TSCI Volley Ball and Throw Ball Tournament 2019

Volleyball Tournament
Throwball Tournament

Date : 08/10/2019 Saturday
Venue: iBeach31, 17341 Westfield Park Rd, Westfield, IN 46074

General Rules:
* Last date for registration is on Sunday, 08/04/2019.

* This Tournament is open only for Indiana residents. Valid Residential Proof will be required for each player for the registration.

* Entry fee is $75 per team.

* Match Starts from 9 AM Eastern on 08/10.

* Teams must report 15 minutes prior to their first game. Schedule will be strictly followed.

* Volley Ball and Throwball will be provided by Tamil Sangam.

* Umpire’s decision will be final. In case of further conflict, organization committee will be contacted for resolution. The main umpire’s decision will be final.

* Best Player award will be selected for each league matches for both volleyball and Throwball.

* Best Player of the tournament will be awarded for Volleyball and throwball.

* Volley Ball will have Winner and Runner cup and Third prize winners.

* Throwball Ball will have Winner and Runner cup and third prize winners.

* All the players from Winner and Runner team will be awarded with individual trophies.

* Volley Ball tournament will be cancelled if we get less than 10 registrations.

* Throwball tournament will be cancelled if we get less than 4 registrations.

* Following snacks items will be provided by Tamil Sangam to each team as complimentary before beginning of their matches.

- 1 Water Bottle (12 oz) for each player
- 1 Gatorade Bottle (12 oz) for each player
- 1 Banana for each player

* Lunch will be provided at free of cost. Refreshments will be sold on purchase(Need to be mentioned while filling out the registration form).

* If there is a dispute of any sorts with any call, organizers call will be final.

* Due to Unavoidable cicumstances if matches gets cancelled information will be sent to each team captains about the change of plans and money will be refunded if tournament gets cancelled.


First Prize - Winner's Trophy and Individual Trophies for all team members

Second Prize - Runners' Trophy and Individual Trophies for all team members

Man of the Match - Trophy for best player for every play

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Media Sponsors

Event Sponsors