Tamil Sangam of Central Indiana proudly announce Calendar Drawing Contest 2020. As you aware that, TSCI is distributing monthly calendar to all of our members from 2018 onwards. TSCI is preparing and designing 2020 Calendar to distribute to our members during Diwali and Charity Event on Dec 7, 2019. Anyone can submit their entries; don't need to be a TSCI member. The Calendar Drawing Contest 2020 theme is different types of sports/games, street games, professional sports, and sport events across the globe (2020 நாள்காட்டி வரைபடங்கள் தெரு விளையாட்டு, குழு விளையாட்டு, விளையாட்டு போட்டிகள், மற்றும் பழைய விளையாட்டுகளை அடிப்படையாக கொண்டிருத்தல் வேண்டும்).
Winning drawings will be featured in 2020 TSCI calendar to represent each month along with contestent name. Winning drawings will be announced during TSCI Diwali and Charity Event 2019 on Dec 7, 2019. This will be the platform for anyone who is willing to portray their skills. Each winners will be awarded with certificate and $15 gift card. Have Questions? Reach out to us @ Sangam.Tamil@Gmail.com
Contest Rules
- Drawings can be drawn in drawing sheets or in digital.
- Drawings should relate with one of the sports which is being playing/played in the world.
- Drawings should NOT relate to any religion, political party, and/or individual.
- If you are using any pictures in digital art, you must hold the copyrights of those pictures.
- Each contestent can submit drawing only ONE entry.
- Submissions must be received by November 25, 2019.
- There is no age group limit. Anyone can participate.
- Do Not write your name in the drawings. Add your name in the email, or back side of the drawing sheet.
- Do NOT fold your drawing sheet which will void the drawing entry.
Drawing Requirements
- Drawings must be suitable for printing at 8.5 x 11 inches, which translates to 2550 x 3300 pixels. Entries that do not meet this requirement will be rejected.
- Drawings must be high resolution (300 ppi).
- Drawings must be drawn in a horizontal format.
Drawings that don't meet the rules and requirements will be rejected.
How to enter the entries
- Please reach out to Sangam.Tamil@Gamil.com. One of our Executive Committee member will contact you to collect the drawing sheet from you.
- You can drop your drawing sheet with Executive Committee during one of the Tamil School between 2 - 4 PM on following days: Nov 2 / Nov 9 / Nov 16, 2019. (Tamil School Location: 3106 E Carmel Dr, Carmel, IN 46033)
How to Send Digital Art
Email your digital art to Sangam.Tamil@Gmail.com with subject "TSCI 2020 Calendar Contest - <NAME>" like "TSCI 2020 Calendar Contest - Apple Joe"
The following information must accompany your entry:
1. Your contact information (name, email and phone number).
2. Description about the Sport
Have questions? Email Sangam.Tamil@Gmail.com
Please note that by entering this contest you are granting Tamil Sangam of Central Indiana, unrestricted, non-exclusive usage of your drawings/digital arts with the understanding that TSCI may also publish your name and may crop, resize, recolor, touch-up, or otherwise edit your drawings. TSCI decision is final.