Who can become a member ?

Anyone who has an interest in Tamil language and culture is welcome to become a member of the Tamil Sangam.

Why Should I become a Member?

  • Connections and Member Exclusive Benefits - Members get exclusive benefits from sponsors from everyday shopping, and food to getting a new car and getting their dream cars/homes.
  • Helping Tamil Sangam to plan events - Members help us to plan ahead for upcoming events to make them more bigger, entertain than ever before.
  • Tamil School - Members can avail Tamil School Fee offer for their children Tamil study. It also helps us to maintain and grow our own Tamil School Library.
  • Monthly Calendar - Monthly calendar provides India and USA holidays, main events, and more.
  • Summer Picnic - Members can enjoy and spend their great weekend with other members during fun filled Summer Picnic.
  • Platform for children - We promote children to show their own talents especially in Tamil, and Indian cultural way.
  • Engage, Connect, and Share - This is a main platform for everyone to engage not only within Indianapolis but with all of US Tamil Sangams. In this digitalized world, we can help to connect for needy members to find best companions for their parents' flights, flight delays etc.,
  • Finally, It's fun for everyone to connect and collaborate!

Why we have to pay membership fees?

Your contribution towards a membership in the sangm will help us to organize various programs of general interest to the Tamil community.
  • Our commitment to bring more fun, entertainment, and engagement for the community.
  • We are placing our best efforts to bring celebrity in most of our events.
  • By providing Tamil School School Fee offer, We are encouraging both our members and Tamil School Parents to bring their children to learn our Classical Language, Tamil.
  • We provide monthly calendar as a single point of reference to find local and Indian holiday details. We are also including our sponsors details in the calendar, so that, our members can reach them and get benefited.

TSCI Membership Year 2022 - Online Payment

You can now pay your membership fee online using your Credit/Debit card (Square Payments)

The membership year runs from January 1st 2022 to December 31st 2022.

  • Free entry fee tickets for all cultural programs during the calendar year for 2 adults (i.e., You & Your Spouse) + your dependent children(s) only (Pongal, Chithirai Thiruvizha, Deepavali).
  • Discounted tickets for special events arranged by other organizations that are sponsored / supported by the Tamil Sangam.
  • Free entry fee tickets for all cultural programs during the calendar year for 2 adults (i.e., You & Your Spouse)  (Pongal, Chithirai Thiruvizha, Deepavali).
  • Discounted tickets for special events arranged by other organizations that are sponsored / supported by the Tamil Sangam.
  • Discounted entry fee to culture programs for you (Pongal, Chithirai Thiruvizha, Deepavali).
  • Discounted tickets for special events arranged by other organizations that are sponsored / supported by the Tamil Sangam


Click any of the following levels for 2022 Membership signup.



  • Tamil Sangam Banner