Exams & Grading Pattern
- School days will be divided equally into 3 semesters (approximately 7 classes).
- At the end of a semester, exam will be given to the students; Exam includes Written and/or Oral test.
Grading Criteria .
- Home Work: 30 points total (10 points/semester).
- Exam: 70 points in total.
- 15 points for Semester-1 Exam (will be conducted tentatively on the 7th school day).
- 15 points for Semester-2 Exam (will be conducted tentatively on the 14th school day).
- 40 points for Final Cumulative exam ( Final school day).
- Bonus : 10 points for attendance (0.5 for each class up to 20 classes).
- A minimum score of 65% mark (homework + Exam + Attendance)
- 70% attendance is required to promote to the next level/Nilai.
Attendance & Homework
- A minimum attendance of 70% (approximately 17 out of 22 classes) is mandatory for promotion.
- Students with 100% attendance will be recognized on our annual Awards Day.
- Parents should notify the school in advance if their child will be absent for the class. Please send email to both Tamil School email - tamilkalvi@gmail.com AND to the respective class teachers.
- Homework submission earns point towards the final score. So make sure homework is completed and submitted on time. Late submission will not earn full points.
- Students can submit their homework through others even if they are absent to the class.
- Students are expected to be in the class, at least 5 minutes before class start time.